Bereken hier je fret posities met onze fret calculator
Calculate the fret positions with our fret calculator. You can calculate any desired scale length and the calculator instantly displays all fret positions up to 24 frets. But of course you don't have to use them all. It does not change anything on the scale. The calculator can be used for all kinds of string instruments from ukulele, guitar, bass etc.
I often get questions about the scale length and how it works. It actually quite simple but you have to know when you make or repair instruments. The human hour is the length of the strings and where they can vibrate freely. It is about the contact point of the strings at the top and the saddle. See the image for more clarity:
You can also easily calculate the scale of an instrument by measuring from the bottom of the top comb (where the strings can vibrate freely) to the heart (center) of the 12th fret. When you multiply this by 2 you have the instrument scale length. This is very useful if, for example, you have to make a new fretboard for an existing guitar. You can find the fret calculator here: