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Lattice -Brace Concert Guitar plan

Plan for making Lattice-Brace Concert guitar

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28,93 € TTC
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These are detailed, full size plans of guitars by famous makers. Each plan is accurately drawn, and is based on a careful examination of the instrument concerned. They include all information needed to build a reproduction. Scale lengths are all 650 mm unless otherwise stated.

Each plan is printed on three separate sheets of A2 paper (600 mm x 450 mm) :
Sheet One : Construction Notes, Rosette design, Bridge, Head, Neck Joint
Sheet Two : Soundboard and Strutting
Sheet Three : Neck, Fingerboard, Section through Body 

Lattice-Brace (short scale length: 650 mm) - Plan for a Concert Guitar 

In recent years, a number of guitar makers have worked with new ideas for strutting designs.
One successful innovation has been the lattice braced top, of which there are many variations.
The overall shape of the guitar is taken from Hermann Hauser, and within this outline are placed 10 small struts which interlock with on another, providing a strong supporting structure for the soundboard. The soundboard is thicknessed to 2mm all over.
The success of this design is in the way the relatively thin sound board is given strong but flexible support. This produces a guitar with a powerful and penetrating range of tonal colours.

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